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Narayan Sharon

Credits & References: 


Video by Willie Wong


Music by “Badecima”


Hidden-variable theory link


Video editing by

Jemaiy Coneva


Diving into the Obvious

Diving into the Obvious

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In this video, we are watching a mathematical simulation of quantum tunneling called “Relativistic quantum particle against barrier” (by Willie Wong), using the Klein-Gordon equation. It is the simplest relativistic equation for wave functions, (with empty space and zero spin particle), and is regarded as the first step into more complex wave functions.Using initial data and different energies, this video demonstrates a particle passing through a barrier.


As physically embodied entities, it is obvious we are moving discreetly in space, the act of Observing though, does not pivot from an objectified observer and observed. 

By not relying on a 'fixed state', that has fixed contours of observer and observed, there is an opening for a fresh 'sampling'. The observing mind is open to observe itself as it is observing (another). Agreeing to put what it knows about itself in a temporary pause or hold, for the chance of fresh contact arising with itself.

In a visual context, fresh sampling is not unlike the optic flow experienced by a rotating observer, such as a fly. In this scenario, the absence of fixed state observation is critical for its basic navigation.


What if this pause, together with a focused conscious state of mind, can extend further than the knowledge I currently maintain about myself, the knowledge I assume about my world?.. would that exclude the obvious way I am organizing the world in my mind? Would it change what are the open or closed paths for action?

Diving for a moment into that same physical world, it is possible to see that against common logic, at the quantum particle level there is much nonconforming.


Quantum potential is a concept from Quantum Mechanics introduced by David Bohm in the 50s, and it relates to the Information potential of a quantum particle. 

That information potential is likened to a pilot wave - a hidden variable - guiding the motion of the particle, in unpredictable ways.

Because matter can behave both as a particle and as a wave, and under some circumstances can gather energy from nearby -- quantum particles have a probability of tunneling through a relative barrier. 


Inspired by the possibility presented by the Lab of intelligence culture, by which I can create a pause  and put myself in an experimental-experiential mode of observation -

I imagine a conscious state of mind, which is focused laterally within the space of observation... a moment of saturated chance of experience emerging from anywhere in the space, without familiar triggers. 

Where is my experience located? Can I experience freely anywhere/anything in that space?


Can I only experience 'me' as me?

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